At iLEAD Schools, we have always been committed to providing a safe, equitable learning environment for all learners and staff. In the summer of 2020, iLEAD staff began a professional learning series centered on equity, antiracism, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility, all of which have been in alignment with our philosophy from the beginning. In the fall of 2020, the iLEAD Equity Task Force was formed. These committed individuals from across the organization are taking a deep dive into the systems, policies, and practices of our organization to address where iLEAD can eliminate policies, practices, attitudes, and cultural messages that reinforce differential outcomes by race, status, or identity. We recognize that equity is not a destination but an ongoing journey that we are honored to continue with our community of learners and staff.
iLEAD’s Equity Mission:
We will continually identify and dismantle inequitable practices, challenge and eliminate institutional biases and barriers, and allocate resources to ensure that every learner gets what they need to thrive socially, emotionally, and intellectually.
iLEAD’s Equity Vision:
All learners will learn in a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment where culture and identity are viewed as assets, learner voice and agency are cultivated as measures of success, and all learners see themselves reflected in the content of their learning and in the educators that serve them.
Additional Resources
iLEAD Glossary of Shared Language
iLEAD’s Equity Task Force Takes a Stand Against Racial Injustice, Inequality.